Privacy Policy

In this privacy statement, we explain how we process your data, which we receive through our website (hereinafter as “iREAD” or “”). In our operations, we strictly comply with the requirements of European data protection legislation.

Copyright © Lausas Group 2024. All Rights Reserved.

iREAD's Owner

For iREAD ownership details, please consult our Impressum.

iREAD's Visitors

Like most website operators, iREAD collects non-personally identifiable information that is typically provided by web browsers and servers, such as browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. iREAD’s purpose in collecting non-personally identifiable information is to better understand how iREAD’s visitors use its website. iREAD may from time to time release non-personally identifiable information in the aggregate, such as by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website.

iREAD may also collect potentially personally identifiable information, such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. However, iREAD does not use IP addresses to identify its visitors, nor does it disclose such information other than in the same circumstances in which it uses and discloses personally identifiable information, as described below.

Collecting Personal Information

Certain visitors to the iREAD want to interact with the iREAD in ways that require the iREAD to collect personally identifiable information. The amount and type of information collected by the iREAD depends on the nature of the interaction. In each case, the iREAD collects such information only to the extent necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor’s interaction with the iREAD. iREAD does not disclose personally identifiable information except as described below.

iREAD visitors may always refuse to provide personally identifiable information, with the consequence that it may prevent them from participating in certain iREAD-related activities. All information collected on the iREAD website is processed in accordance with GDPR legislation.

Use of Personal Data

iREAD discloses potentially personally identifiable and personal information only to those administrators, employees, contractors and affiliates who need to know that information in order to process it on behalf of iREAD or to provide services available through iREAD and who have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of these employees, contractors and affiliates may be located outside the EU; by using the iREAD website, you consent to the transfer of such information to outside of the EU. A practical example of such disclosure and transfer of data outside the EU is, for example, the Google Analytics service.

iREAD will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying or personally-identifying information to anyone.

To iREAD’s administrators, employees, contractors, and affiliated organisations other than those described above, iREAD will only disclose potentially personally identifiable and personally identifiable information if required by law, if you consent to the sharing of your information, or when iREAD believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of iREAD, third parties, or the general public.

If you send us a request or a question (for example, by email or through one of our other feedback mechanisms), we reserve the right to publish it to educate other users, or to avoid misunderstanding, defamation or any other type of harm. Lausas Group will take all reasonable measures to protect against unauthorised use, modification or destruction of personal and personal data.

iREAD is hosted on a server located inside European Union. However, Lausas Group has servers also outside European Union’s jurisdiction and it may or may not transfer its data between its own servers as it sees fit and necessary. By using the iREAD website, you consent to the transfer of any and all information to outside of the European Union.

Lausas Group, in its continuing commitment to optimise your customer journey, gathers specific personal data points during the checkout process. This data, which may include, but is not limited to, your name, country of residence, and postal code, alongside your email address, serves the dual purpose of facilitating the fulfilment of your order and enriching your overall experience.

Additionally, with your express consent, Lausas Group may leverage this data to curate and transmit targeted communications, encompassing exclusive offers, pertinent product updates, and meticulously crafted marketing messages tailored to your individual preferences.

However, Lausas Group acknowledges and respects your right to data privacy. You retain the unfettered right to opt-out of receiving such communications at any time. Lausas Group adheres to industry-standard opt-out mechanisms, ensuring a seamless and effortless unsubscribe process.

It is paramount to emphasise that your consent to receive these communications remains entirely voluntary and can be revoked at your sole discretion. Lausas Group further underscores its commitment to responsible data management by categorically refraining from disclosing your personal information to any third-party marketing entities without securing your explicit and prior authorisation.

Third Party Websites

This Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites or services that are linked to iREAD through links, embeds, or other technologies on our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these websites before using these websites or services.


In practice, almost every website uses cookies today. iREAD is no exception in this matter. Information about how you use our website is collected automatically using cookies. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer that are commonly used to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. See our cookie policy for more information on what cookies are collected on iREAD’s website.

Legal Grounds for Personal Data Processing

When processing your personal data, we rely on one or more of the following criteria:

  • Our legitimate interest for the efficient delivery of our services.
  • Your express consent.
  • Legal obligations.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy. It is recommended that you review this privacy policy regularly to be aware of any changes.